I had some ricotta left over from when I cooked my slow cooked tomato and sausage pasta and I didn't want to just waste it so I searched for a recipe where I could use it up. I came across this recipe in Fay Ripley's second cookbook "What's for Dinner?" - I remember cooking it before, about 3 1/2 years ago - it took about 25 minutes to cook in total.

Ingredients for 3-4 people:

250g dried conchiglioni pasta shells (large pasta shells)
200g baby spinach
150g ricotta cheese
A good pinch of nutmeg
1 tbsp of olive oil, plus extra for drizzling
100g Black Forest ham or Parma ham

To serve:
Parmesan cheese, grated

Whizz the spinach, ricotta, nutmeg and a tablespoon of olive oil in a food processor until roughly combined. 

Grind in some black pepper and add the ham. Give another quick whizz to roughly chop together.

Pop the filling in a small pan and gently warm over a low heat.

Meanwhile cook the pasta according to the packet's instructions in salted boiling water. Mine took around 8 minutes.

When the pasta is ready, drain and then drizzle with some olive oil so the shells don't stick together.

Finally stuff each shell with the filling and serve immediately with a generous drizzle of olive oil and a scattering of Parmesan.

I cannot believe that I hadn't cooked this for 3 1/2 years, it was absolutely delicious, in fact Arabella even finished her plate before me….which never happens. It was quick and easy and a great way to encourage Arabella to eat spinach…..I think she thought it was actually pesto. My only complaint is that it takes a bit of time to scoop the filing into the shells and so it consequently can be a little cold if you don't hurry. Next time I will ask Arabella to help which I am sure she will adore anyway. 

I will be cooking this again very soon….I do find Fay's first two cookery books really the best!


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