One of the things I am enjoying the most about being pregnant is the fact I am not constantly thinking about diets! Normally I would have a very light lunch however nowadays I make sure I have something far more substantial. 

It has also given me an opportunity to try some new things. I love to buy smoked salmon pate from the supermarket but my lovely friend Kirstie makes such an excellent one, I decided to give it a go myself. It was super easy and took about 10 minutes.

Ingredients for 4 starter size portions:

150g smoked salmon, trimmings are fine
200g tub of soft cheese
1 tbsp creme fraiche, if you have some (I didn't)
Juice of half a lemon
Small bunch of dill or chives, I used about 5-10g
2 heaped tablespoons of capers

To serve:
Bread sticks or granary toast

If you aren't using smoked salmon trimmings, chop the salmon into small strips.

Add the soft cheese, smoked salmon, creme fraiche (if using), the capers and lemon juice into a food processor and season generously with black pepper. Then blitz to your liking - you can have it smooth or chunky. I like mine a little chunky and so only pulsed the ingredients for about 40 seconds.

Snip in the herbs and taste - I added a little more pepper at this point.

Finally serve in a ramekin with either toast or bread sticks.

This is really good - it works as a starter, a lunch or even a dip. You can make it the day before and it will taste even better the next day. It was really simple and I think will become a lunch staple for me - a great way to get my omega 3s and I truly believe fish increases your brain power - a bonus for me and the baby!!!


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