Often I want something sugary to round my meal off but I am already fit to burst and so can't fit a proper pudding in. However one of my favourite desserts in restaurants is iced berries with white chocolate sauce because it is sweet but not too heavy. I have always wanted to try cooking it myself as it is such a simple recipe and two years after I found the recipe on the Internet, I finally got round to making it today. It is very very easy and took 5 minutes!

Ingredients for 2 people:

200g mixed frozen berries such as raspberries, strawberries and blueberries
75ml double cream
100g white chocolate

You need to take the berries out the freezer around 30 minutes before you eat them so they thaw slightly and are not completely frozen.

To make the sauce, pour the cream into a small pan and break in the chocolate. Heat gently, stirring, until the chocolate melts and the sauce is smooth. Keep the heat low, because if it is too high, the chocolate will seize. This will take around 5 minutes.

Pile the berries into 2 separate dishes and pour over the chocolate sauce which in turn will soften the berries even more. Tuck in and enjoy!

I absolutely loved this - the white chocolate sauce is divine and I could have drunk it like a soup! It does taste great with the berries however mine were still slightly too cold… one likes brain freeze. Arabella was not a fan - she didn't like the frozen berries. If that is the case, you could make this with fresh berries instead. 

This is a lovely light quick pudding, I will definitely be making this for my next dinner party and it is perfect for the upcoming summer months.


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