Women who regularly experience orgasms walk differently

     Story is that sex brings a special sparkle to people, and women who regularly experience vaginal orgasms walk vigorously, more rotate pelvis and their step is more nimble. Simply put, these women shaking hips more, say Belgian researchers from University of Louvain.
     In a study in which they observed gait of sexually active and healthy women, of which half are regularly experienced vaginal orgasms, while the other half has never, or very rarely, scientists are with 80.69 percent accuracy guessed which of the women experienced vaginal orgasms - writes The Daily Mail.

     Orgasms relax the entire muscle groups, relive stress, bring comfort and provide energy, and all of that is observed in the gait of a woman, explained the researchers. They found that differences in walking applies only to those women who experience vaginal orgasms, but not clitoral.
     While experienced scientist notes anatomical differences in gait of a woman, considering whether they experiencing orgasms or not, observer may notice sensuality, energy, and the so-called ``liquid`` movements of these women and conclude their sex life satisfaction. 

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