Seven healthy ways to deal with breaking up

     There comes a time when love disappears and reality shows that common goals and dreams are no longer sustainable.
     When the couple recognize that problems exist, it is better to disperse rather than to maintain a relationship that has nothing to offer.
     Breakups often lead to - or excessive use of alcohol, or inclination to become an empty shell of a man. There are healthier ways that can help you to go on living without too much emotional burden. The important thing is to clear all that you have and that neither of you does not begin to despise the other. There are seven ways to deal with breaking up:

1. Tell the news

     Not honorably and honestly just drop a bomb and disappear, or break up through a text message, or change the relationship status on the social network, what is now a new phenomenon. To make both sides forget bad feelings that break up brings, it is best to talk about it. 

2. Signaling

     It is wiser to let your partner know before the break up what you think about the future of your relationship. So when it comes to breaking up - no one will be shocked and you will be able to disperse in peace.

3. Avoiding guilt

     It is better together to make a list of "I feel" rather than "you`re not/ you are". For example, saying "I feel neglected when you work at home" carries the same message, only in nicer way, than saying: "you are workaholic and burdened with work". Both sides need to reflect on the causes of the problem from a distance, rather than blaming all the blame on one side.

4. Distortion of the truth

     You can easily transfer the whole blame on yourself and tell:``You`re too good for me, I do not deserve you``, but if you know that`s not true - do not say anything. Like all the other, lies about breakup should be avoided.

5. Good lovers, bad friends?

     If the breakup was due to mature and mutual decision and no vindictiveness by anybody, there is no reason not to maintain communication after the break. By calling ex-girlfriend to congratulate her birthday, or simply, to ask her how she is - that does not necessarily means that you want to return. Friendship does not have to die with relationship.


6. Love and wounds

     Just because the relationship ended, does not mean it was bad all the time, but that should not last that long. Even if you stay friends after a breakup, it's normal to feel the pain of separation. Gaps remain that people usually try to fill recklessly entering into a new relationship. However, it would not be good to do, until the wounds heal. 

7. Focus on other things

     Surrender to the things that you did not have time to do during the relationship - photography, writing, travel, etc.. Focus on healthy eating and healthy exercise. You'll feel better physically and mentally. Try to avoid places where you go along and where bind you nice memories - if you are still sad because of the break. 

"Time heals all" - perhaps the greatest truth of all. In the generation that puts more emphasis on comfort and compatibility rather than romance, breakup is probably the best solution. 

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