How to make money with mobile apps?

     Anyone who wants to engage in the development of mobile applications and try in this way to generate revenue should know that the competition in this market is very high, most Apple iOS applications about 650,000 while the  Google Android can find around 450,000 thousand different applications. It makes no sense to work on the development of a mobile application for a market that will not adequately accept it, or that will not even notice that you launched the application. What needs to be done prior to the development of mobile applications is a research and identifying markets and creating products for it. Focusing on a single, targeted market developers can use their experience to develop more applications and increase their chances of success. Defined target market and primary audience allows you to focus your online marketing efforts on social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Google +, as well as Internet forums and blogs that are related to the interest of your audience. Once you have a target market, you can be paid to the development of mobile applications that will provide users with a certain value. Providing certain values to users usually means that the application will solve a problem, increase productivity and provide entertainment.
     For example, the popular BlackBerry app Who Is It Pro, allows users to set 20 LED colors for their favorite contacts, so that they know at a glance who is trying to contact them. Developers of mobile applications must have a unique concept of applying application. Application will be judged based on her usefulness and originality, so it is very important to think carefully about the original concept before you move forward with the development, branding and promotion of an application. Another very important thing you should consider is, for which mobile platform to create an application. Will you make an application for the Apple iOS, Google Android, Research In Motion BlackBerry or Microsoft Windows platform?

     Considering the total cost, it is best to choose one platform and stick to it. Currently the most popular platforms are Apple iOS and Google Android  and according to some estimates, huge growth in this market is expected to have Microsoft with the release of Windows 8, at the end of this year. When some of your mobile application experience success on one platform only then you need to think about its version for other platforms. As for earnings with mobile applications, currently are pointed out three options that most developers are used: Payment for the application, the sales of the full version and additional (advanced) features, advertising in apps. When paying for an application everything is clear, the user purchases a complete application and that's it. Payment that is usually on a monthly or annual basis and the user also gets full access to the application. Be sure that the users prefer free apps, therefore unless the developers do not intend to use advertising in the application as an option to earn from their free mobile applications, free version of the application (freemium) must be compelling enough to attract the users to pay for the upgrade. 

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