Thighs and Butt Exercise

Women`s only

     You can try this at home! In fact, I recommend that if you do not have time for gym or group exercise at gyms.
     You have been warned: squats are the best exercises for your legs. Not while wiping dust or picking up toys off the floor, but deliberately squats. It may seem banal or boring, but various versions of squats will help you tightening not only the muscles of the front and back thigh, but internal and external muscles also, and best of all, your butt. Nothing raises the butt so well as squats, tested.
Beginners also can do these exercises.

Note: Warm up before training!

1. Basic squat

    Place your feet parallel with hip-width, ie. shoulders. You can extend your arms in front of you for better balance. Descend down, as if you intend to sit, and think that ass needs to go down. Your knees should not push forward, they will naturally go just over the fingertips and there is no need to go further, and the upper part of the body will naturally lean forward.
      Descend down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. While you go down you should feel tension the front boxes, and when you coming up, the pressure of the hamstrings and glutes (butt).

2. Plié

This exercise is borrowed from ballet.
       Far more difficult than a basic squat. Stand up straight and place the hands on the waist. Spread your feet as much as possible, and fingers outward, as the so-called ballet open position. Back straight.
       Descend down slowly with your back straight and looking straight ahead, thinking on the knees that need to move in the direction of the fingers, and not forward. Get down as low as you can (you'll soon be able to get lower and lower) and slowly lift. When you return to the starting point, squeeze the butt, and your back will be set again in a good position. 
       When lowering, you should feel the inner thighs and bottom tension, and when lifting the front lodge and outer thighs tension, high, with the butt.

3. Flamingo balance on one leg

     Now we talk seriously. Balancing on one leg totally activates all the muscles of the leg and buttocks, including the lower back.
     Look. Stand with slightly more widespread legs then the width of the hips. Lift behind leg bent at the knee, slowly, seeking balance, and when you find it (do not tremble, do not drop down your leg), slowly drop your body forward, until breasts are not parallel to the floor. Then return to the starting position, making sure you do not put your leg on the floor.
     The good news is that when you catch a balance, you can do this 10 times on one leg. Try it, it's worth!

Tip: if you tighten your abdominal muscles as you do this, the faster you strike a balance!

4. Squat - Prayer

     Except Flamingo balance that sometimes I put into training and holding a medicine ball in my hands as shown in the picture, this squat I do regularly and it is divine for all parts of the muscles and butt!
     The feet are parallel. Place your feet in a wider position than shoulder width and lock in your elbows between your knees to connect the arms and fold the hands as in prayer. This way you will completely fix the knee space. Starting position is with the forward leaning upper body, because your hands are low and with the thighs parallel to the floor. 
     Slowly lift your butt up, and then descend down slowly until your thighs are parallel again to the floor. This will illuminate all parts of the thighs and of course the butt.

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