Elite Housewives

  Picture of depressive women with curlers on the head and ladle by the stove is no longer a synonym for woman that most of her life spends at home. New housewives are dressed up, devoted herself, follow news from the world of politics and new technology, themselves have chosen this status, and most importantly, they are fulfilled and happy.
Words housewife or homemaker is defined as a person who taking care of home whether she works or not, and as person whose main and only job is taking care of home and family. Difference between homemaker and housewife is that first defines the role of women in terms of activities she performed, while the second relates to marital status.      Another term that defines expression ``stay at home mom`` referring to the women with children who  chose to stay at home. However, today it is impossible to classify housewives into one category because there are several types: those who have worked, and because of children (or just for herself or herself and husband) decided to permanently stop working or those who stop working for a certain time, then the woman whose job as housewife is life call, regardless of whether they have children or not. What is common to all of them is they have voluntarily chosen to stay at home , to enjoy the new role and that their activity is not reduced just to cook, ironing, wipe the dust and other depressing duties. The most important criterion that decides if you fall into the category of “elite housewives” or those who are forced to be, is money.
    In Western Europe women who go on maternity leave more often don`t return to work. Reason is, when they come back, usually waits poorer and less paid position, or because they realize that the true values of life are at home, children and harmonious family. The most common cause why women do not go back to work is due to economic reasons. May sound absurd, but for woman is more cost-effective to stay at home. If you take into account that women are still paid less on average than men.
     Research of University in Cambridge shows that in many European countries women have less power and willing to play the role of superwoman with full time job in office, but also in their home, after returning from work. People are no longer so sure women can adjust full-time job with absolute commitment to family. Women no longer want at any cost fit into the picture of working women, good mother and excellent housewives. They want to have right to choose, and if they choose to be housewives , not to be discriminated.
       Most of today`s housewife is schooled, educated, intelligent, curious, effective.
     Famous Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani known for his commercials for the fashion house ``United Colors Of Benetton``, declared as big fan of housewives and despises women chasing career:
``Women are the center of society, quality of life of a family depends on them because they have innate instinct for keeping household, for cooking and taking care of children. It`s terribly annoying facts everybody criticize them, when we owe them the most. Of all the women I know housewives are most satisfied. Much more than a manageress who is frustrated, nervous and desperate`` .
     Psychologists believe that in today`s society is privilege to be housewife because they have absolute freedom to manage their time. Working women envy them most for free time they have, while they themselves run around to fulfill every imposed social obligations: to be excellent workers, rolemodel mothers and wife for example. And all this within a day that still only takes just 24 hours. Also, a large number of employed women feels limited and imprisoned to the four walls of their offices.
  `` European Interactive Advertising Association`` said, 63 percent of housewives every day surf the Internet, and the most visited sites are with news, with music, those that offer information about finances, then sites devoted to health, online shopping and new technologies. Today`s housewives talking via Skype, use MSN, they are part of the Facebook community, listen to Internet radio and maintain the real Internet party with friends via web camera.
     - 53 percent of women who do not work are very satisfied with their marriage, while 40 percent of employed women are happily married.
     - 62 percent of women living in the community in which only the husband earns believe that they are happy and see traditional marriage as a union that will last forever.
     - 44 percent of women without such a family situation considered and feels happy.

     Because of all the above, happy housewives are no longer rare. Difference between them is where they live, developed strong or undeveloped and poor country, do they have university degree or low education, and is that their choice to be housewife or circumstances imposed to them.
     More time for herself, quality day spent with family, healthy meals on the table, opportunity for calmer life free of stress, these are the reasons why women today much easier decide to accept the role of housewife.  Difference between happy and realized in that role housewife and frustrated and less valuable housewife is and depends of economic factors that have the most important role.
             Anything above that is a matter of personal choice and worthwhile to respect.

     Interviewing 26.000 housewives and 14.000 working mothers, came to the conclusion that a wife and mother that takes care of the household works an average of  91 hours per week.

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