
     Massage is the oldest remedy, which is constantly used. Rubbing (friction) is the simplest form, which is used as a domestic remedy.
     A systematic method of massage includes 4 forms: smoothing (effleurage), kneading (petrissage), rubbing (friction) and pounding (tapotement). All these forms are applied to individual cases. All forms of massage have a common feature to strongly support and strengthen the body. Especially acts on blood circulation and muscles.
     Smoothing (effleurage) must be performed as such, so that its direction is always run from the skin surface to the center of the body, so, from the bottom up, and inversely, if smoothing starts from the center of the body. These regulations apply to all cases. Before the massage apply oil to the skin. Smoothing initially must be performed carefully and gently, and then harder, massaging should not be rough, because it hurts.

     Kneading (petrissage) appears much stronger than smoothing, and is used for massaging muscles. Catch arm muscle with both hands, and knead good, between the thumb and index finger.

    Rubbing (friction) is performed with complex spikes. Fingers, we put in vertical position on the skin, constantly circulating around, and we go down deeper into the meat. It especially helps with sciatica and in healing wounds.

    Pounding and cutting (tapotement) is the most unfavorable form of massage and it is performed with underside surface of a small finger. It is used to wake up the nervous system.

Face Massage

     Facial massage is a measure that is undertaken for the following beneficial effects: 

a) stimulation of blood circulation, and increasing skin nourishing. 
b) intake of fat and other nutrients in the skin. 
c) removal of harmful substances that are annoying skin (lactic and carbonic acid) . 
d) facial muscles loosening. 
    We should not forget the psychological impact of facial massage, although it appears indirectly, because massage removes wrinkles and make the face younger and fresher.

Morning Facial Massage
    Best is to perform a morning massage, with an open window, Of course, if weather permits. This removes many disadvantages, or traces of various skin diseases we treated, smaller scars caused by a surgical procedure. So massage removes those traces where creams and lotions cannot help, only tanning and facial massage.

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