How Can I Finish Yoyo Dieting?

How Can I Finish Yo yo Dieting?

We all know what it's like. We get started on a diet only to become disheartened or bored of it, and so return to our old ways. Then we decide to give the diet another go, and the whole process starts over again. Even if we do manage to lose weight, anything that we lost is quickly put back on again when we return to our old eating habits. But is there a way we can finish yo-yo dieting? 

Well, yes. The best way to finish yo-yo dieting is to come up with an eating plan that's sensible and healthy, yet not so strict that we find ourselves reaching for the biscuit tin. That's nearly always where people go wrong with diets in the first place - they put themselves on extremely rigid eating plans that can never be stuck to for the long term, so if they fall off the wagon they quit the whole thing, only to give it a go again a few weeks later. 

To finish yo-yo dieting it's essential that you come up with a plan that you can stick to, maybe even something that still allows treats every now and again so you don't get cravings. Most of the cravings obviously have to be resisted otherwise you stand no hope of losing any weight, but the occasional treat should still be allowed to keep you motivated and on the right track. 

A realistic plan means not cutting any specific food group out, as any diets that do aren't healthy and can't be stuck to for any length of time and are often a primary cause of the yo-yo diet. You need to include a good amount of fruit, vegetables, protein and carbs in your diet, and make sure you get some good fats in there too. Don't be fooled into thinking that all fats are bad - lots are essential! 

People often get put off by long term diets as sticking to a healthy eating plan may not give the same quick results that a crash diet can, but then that's the point. You want your weight loss to be sustained and continual, not sporadic. Sporadic weight loss comes from yo-yo diets, and aren't healthy or beneficial in the long term and you'll often end up exactly where you started. 

A good way to finish yo-yo dieting is to set yourself realistic weight loss goals. If you have something to aim towards then you're more likely to stick to your diet as you don't want to be disappointed, but always make sure that the goals are realistic and far enough away so that you can healthily start to lose the weight. Once you start seeing actual results, you'll be hooked! 

As you can see, there are several ways that you can finish yo-yo dieting. Break the cycle by moving to a more realistic and healthy eating plan and set yourself long-term goals, and you'll be well on your way to finishing yo-yo dieting for good. 

Author:Lorna Eldridge

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