This could be the last family meal I cook in a while - Arabella is off to her father's for the start of the summer holidays and I am 10 days away from my due date. Obviously Pascal and Arabella wanted pasta so I decided to give this recipe a go - it is from Olive magazine and took around 40 minutes.

Ingredients for 4 people:

200g baby spinach
250g tub of ricotta
4 tablespoons of mascarpone
4 large or 8 smaller fresh pasta sheets
2-3 tablespoons of fresh pesto
200g cooked shredded ham hock
5 heaped tablespoons of grated Parmesan

Preheat the oven to 220 C / 200 C fan / gas mark 7.

Put the spinach in a colander and pour a full kettle of boiling water over the spinach to wilt it (you could also microwave the bag of spinach). Cool and then squeeze out as much liquid as possible and chop - there was a lot of liquid!

Mix the spinach, ricotta and mascarpone and season well.

Cook the pasta sheets in boiling water for 3 minutes until tender and drain well.

Now layer up the pasta and the filling - I greased the baking dish with fry light to start - then added a sheet of pasta, a quarter of the ricotta mixture, a few blobs of pasta and a quarter of the ham. Repeat all of this until all the ingredients are used up.

Finish with the Parmesan and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes until golden and bubbling - I did 23!

Tuck in and enjoy! 

This was totally different to normal lasagne but it made a nice alternative. I thought Arabella was going to turn her nose up at the spinach but she didn't even mention it - I think she just thought it was part of the pesto. The only thing we would do slightly differently next time would be to add some grated cheddar cheese to each layer - yes we are cheese addicts so it might be a little over the top for some - but I think it would be a delicious addition! However we did really enjoy it and the recipe wasn't too time consuming. It is a dish you could also prepare ahead and would be great with a green salad. I look forward to our leftovers tomorrow!!

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