I am really bad when it comes to cooking for just me - it is so much easier to just bung a pizza in the oven than actually cook something from scratch as most recipes are for two or more people. However I am determined to try and eat a little healthier in 2016 and so I ended up cooking this salmon dish on Saturday night. In all honesty, I couldn't have been less excited about it and the thought of it made me pretty moody. I really wanted a take away yet I was determined to be good and actually I was very pleasantly surprised.

The recipe was super easy but a little time consuming as you need to marinate the salmon for an hour if possible. However it only took five minutes to prepare and under ten to cook.

Ingredients for 4 people:

4 skinless salmon fillets
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp clear honey
25g stem ginger, drained and finely sliced
2 spring onions, cut into long strips (I didn't read this part and sliced them)!
Rind and juice of 1 lime

To serve:
Sugar snap peas

In a bowl, mix together the oil, soy sauce, honey, ginger, lime rind, lime juice, spring onions and season to taste.

Coat the salmon fillets with the sauce and then cover and marinate in the fridge for around an hour.

When it is ready, preheat the grill to high. The recipe said to place the salmon on baking paper - I would actually recommend foil as my baking paper seriously burnt! Brush the salmon with the marinade and cook for 5 minutes.

Turn and then brush with more marinade and grill for a further 4-5 minutes. (Check out my burnt paper)! If you are serving with sugar snap peas, start cooking them now too.

Finally serve and enjoy.

As I mentioned earlier the thought of salmon on a Saturday night filled me with dread - but this was so much better than I was expecting - it kind of tasted like a very very healthy Chinese take away (I am not sure my brother would believe me though)! Next time I will add some noodles or egg fried rice if I want to bulk the meal up a little bit. Although I have to say it was very good as it was and I felt most healthy….until I are an enormous slab of my rocky all!!


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