After the success of my Squash & Goats Cheese Pasta last week, I was keen to recreate a similar recipe that I had picked up in Waitrose in September 2004 and never cooked!! Well there is no time like the present especially as it is the season for squash. It took about 40 minutes to cook.

Ingredients for 4 people:

1 butternut squash (I cheated ad bought ready prepared)
1 tbsp olive oil
2 clove of garlic, crushed
1 tsp dried oregano
350g lardons
350g pasta - we used fusilli
300g feta cheese, drained and cubed
75g pine nuts, toasted

Preheat the oven to 200 C / gas mark 6.

Prepare the squash by cutting it in half, then scoop out and discard the seeds. Using a sharp knife, peel the squash and then cut the flesh into bite sized chunks and place in a roasting tin.

I cheated and just bought ready prepared squash and then I forgot to cut it into chucks anyway!

Drizzle with oil, stir in the garlic and oregano and season with freshly ground black pepper.

Roast for about 25 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the squash is golden and tender.

While this is cooking, dry fry the pine nuts for around 4 minutes - keep your eye on them as they burn quickly!

About 7 minutes before the squash is ready, fry the lardons in a frying pan over a medium heat.

A few minutes before the squash is ready, put the pasta on in a large pan of salted boiling water and cook according to the packet instructions - mine took 8 minutes.

Add the lardons and feta to the squash and return to the oven for around 4 minutes until the cheese starts to soften and melt.

Stir into the drained pasta.

Serve with a drizzle of olive oil (very important), a scattering of pine nuts and some freshly ground black pepper (don't add salt as it is already salty from the feta and lardons).

This was really good - amazing flavours together and the drizzle of olive oil at the end just finishes it off. I love feta and so very much enjoyed this pasta. Arabella wasn't so much of a fan, however I am sure if I substituted the feta for goats cheese, she would have wolfed it down. I can't believe I wasted 11 years waiting to cook this….I am so pleased to have leftovers as I can't wait to have it again. You could use proper bacon rather than lardons in this recipe or leave it out full stop if you are veggie and as I mentioned you could have goats cheese rather than feta - Arabella's idea for next time!


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