Understanding How Surrogacy Works

Surrogates help thousands of people each year achieve their dream of becoming parents. If you’re considering surrogacy as a way to have children, it’s important to know what to expect. You can begin your journey to parenthood by contacting a reputable, experienced agency. Growing Generations has a well-established program that can help you find the right surrogate and guide you through the process of becoming a parent. Whether you’re gay or straight, in a relationship or single, it’s important to work with people that support your needs. Here are the basics you need to understand before choosing surrogacy.

In Vitro Fertilization

Gestational surrogacy uses in vitro fertilization with an egg from the mother and sperm from the father. The egg and sperm can come from the intended parents or from donors. The surrogate is implanted with one or more embryos and carries the pregnancy to term. In this type of procedure, the surrogate is not related to the baby.

Surrogate Screening

The agency you work with will help you find the right surrogate. The ideal candidate has already had at least one child of her own, is healthy, and is between the ages of 21 and 40. Your surrogate will have been screened for infectious diseases and for psychological fitness. She’ll meet with a physician, mental health professional and counselors to ensure she has a complete understanding of the process. Surrogates are motivated by the desire to help others achieve parenthood, and they are compensated financially as well as having their medical and surrogate-related expenses paid for. Once a woman has been selected, you’ll complete legal contracts to protect the rights of everyone involved in the process.

Medical Treatments

To begin the medical procedures, the egg donor or intended mother and the surrogate take birth control to synchronize their menstrual cycles. The egg donor then takes drugs that stimulate fertility, and the surrogate is given hormones to prepare her uterus of implantation. Both women will be monitored and treated as needed. The procedure, from the time an egg is retrieved and fertilized, to the surrogate’s first ultrasound, takes about 33 days. After an embryo is successfully implanted, the surrogate’s hormone treatments may continue through the first trimester. She can then receive maternity care from her obstetrician until your baby is delivered.

Your agency will guide you and the surrogate through all aspects of the process, from screening and medical, to legal and financial. Your journey may be filled with emotional highs and lows, but when you choose the right surrogate and program, your path to parenthood culminates with the joyous birth of your baby.

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