I really fancied going out for a pizza with Arabella tonight however I had bought the ingredients for this recipe so knew I had to cook them not waste them. I have wanted to try sweetcorn fritters for a while - I always eye them up on brunch menus but then I end up ordering Eggs Benedict as that is my all time favourite. I knew I therefore had to make them myself if I ever wanted to taste them….luckily Fay Ripley had a recipe in her latest book.

They were very quick to make - around 10 minutes to prepare and 15 minutes to cook.

Ingredients for 4 people:

350g sweetcorn
100g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp ground cumin
3 large eggs
3 salad onions finely chopped (I used one big continental onion)
10g fresh mint leaves, chopped
3 tbsp olive oil
500g halloumi
Hummus to serve (or sweet chilli sauce)

To make the batter, place the flour, baking powder, cumin and eggs together into a large bowl.

Whisk together until smooth.

Season and then add the salad onions, chopped mint and drained sweetcorn. Mix well.

Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a large non stick frying pan and then ladle in half the mixture so you make 4 separate patties. This didn't quite work for me and I ended up with three!

Fry for 3 minutes on each side.

When they are ready, remove from the heat and keep warm while you cook the rest of the batter in another tablespoon of oil. I popped them in the oven under a low heat.

Whilst all the fritters are ready and warming, you need to fry the cheese.

Slice the halloumi into 12 slices and brush with the remaining oil. (I was cooking the recipe for just Arabella and I so only used half the ingredients).

In the same pan as before, fry the halloumi for a couple of minutes on each side.

Serve the sweetcorn fritters and halloumi with a big dollop of hummus or if you prefer a drizzle of sweet chilli sauce.

I have to say these surprised me. They turned out much better than I expected and went really well with the halloumi and hummus. I could definitely have done with a side of bacon or chorizo - that would have finished the dish off perfectly. Unfortunately Arabella was not a fan - she doesn't know why - she did love the halloumi though but no surprise there! 

One thing I like about this recipe is that it is very easy to cook for just one person and you would normally have most of the ingredients at home. A great brunch or lunch idea - I think a bit of a step up from a normal fry up!


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