Over the years I have had some amazing Valentine's suppers and also some very very bad ones. One of my best was the first one Pascal and I ever had together - he proposed and we went to the restaurant where we first met and had an entire menu based on truffles. The second valentine's we spent together couldn't have been more different - he rowed all day with his ex wife, I rowed all day with him and then we ended up in the same restaurant as her!! Not fun!!

This year I was very happy to spend the day in France with Pascal especially as we haven't seen each other for nearly a month. Unfortunately after not being ill for over a year, I came down with a bug on Saturday evening - non stop shivering or sweating, nauseous, headache - I was still determined to go out though.

Pascal had booked Le Cepe which is a relatively new restaurant in Meribel - it is beautifully decorated with lots of greys, hearts and woods, rustic and cosy. Service was quick, friendly and efficient and we were immediately seated and given menus and an amuse bouche. Why oh why did I feel so ill as the menu was right up my street - a combination of typical french and local savoyarde dishes and plenty of seafood. If I was feeling normal I would have had the goats cheese or foie gras poele to start followed by the tartiflette or risotto with scallops. Plus there were plenty of delicious cep inspired dishes!

Instead I had vegetable soup…

I don't think I have ever ordered soup in a restaurant before and despite feeling violently ill, it was very nice and I loved the mini side of cheese to sprinkle on top (Pascal and I both realised how ill I was when I couldn't even eat that)! It made me realise how rubbish some of the soups I eat at home are.

Pascal had a veloute with snails, crusty croutons, garlic and parsley. It looked and apparently tasted delicious - it would definitely be something I would want!

Then for mains he had sole meuniere with vegetables and potatoes. I was thinking Pascal might be coming down with something as he never orders fish! I unfortunately couldn't taste it but according to him it was amazing.

We were straight home after that and I was in bed by 9.15 - so not the romantic valentine's day I had envisaged but Pascal got an A for effort for booking such a fantastic restaurant and we will definitely be back again….I just need to be able to eat properly next time! The restaurant also has a separate kid's menu and does take away.

Le Cepe
Route D Plateau
Les Allues
Tel: +33 479 224 608 

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