Remedies for Weight Loss

how to lose weight fast, how to lose weight in a week
how to lose weight in 7 days. 
use of honey and lemon
continuously drink water mixture of two spoon honey and one lemon juice
for three months.
use of hot water
drink hot water like tea after taking food
do not drink cool water
use of ayurvedic medicine Medohar Vati
Half an hour before meals or one hour after meals with hot water.
1-2 tabs, twice or thrice a day, according to the weight of the body.
Main Ingredients:Pure Guggulu, Shilajita Sat (extract of mineral pitch), solid extracts of Haritaki or Harad, Bibhitaka or Baheda, Amalakl, Katuki, root of Punarnava, Trivrit or Nishoth, Vidanga, etc.
use of pranayam
do kapalbhati 25 min daily in morning.Do pranayam regularly
you can also do anulom vilom 30 min
bhramri 10 times
udgit 10 times
ujjai 5 times 
use of cow urine (godhan ark)
decrease the the body wt.,take 4t.s.f with equal amount of water twice aday after will get result in few months.

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