Improve your Body/mind presence with 3 best yoga postures

Now, moving slowly, focusing on the pulse. keeping a positive attitude in the mind as you bend the knees, using the large quadral muscle and the bottom half of the body, bring the upper torso to an erect stance, called the mountain stance. Staying present in the moment, find the heart, center yourself, focusing on the diaphragmatic breathing. Now, focus on your feet, your toes come up with the inhale breath, and back down with the exhale breath. Breathe into your feet as though they were your lungs. Now move your focus into your hands, breathing into your hands as if they were your lungs. With each breath let your body change. Now you are connected, feet, hands, head, and heart. observe the connection. How does that feel to you?
This posture unifies the whole body/mind as one unit and the breath is the thread that connects the heart and body/mind. This posture offers you increased focus and clarity.
This yoga posture is done in a sitting down position, with legs outstretched. Notice the pulse of the body. Move from that place. Take a breath in, and as you exhale, extend the right hand onto the left toe, holding it as seen in the diagram. After that, again inhale, and exhale as you bring the left side of the head down to touch the left knee. Your body changes with each exhale. Repeat this with the other side.
Now bring the arms straight up with the inhale, and then bring the arms down to the floor directly in front of you while bending at the waist as you exhale as seen in the diagram. As you exhale, let your body change.
For lower back this is a excellent stress release posture . It is also relaxing to the mind. Spread the legs in a "V" position, holding onto feet. Stretch the legs out in front and to the side as seen in the diagram. Now slowly rock from side to side, massaging the sciatica. The balance is in the belly. As you feel yourself beginning to fall back, tighten the belly and round the back. Come back into balance as you straighten the spine. Breathe into the posture, as you let your body change.

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