An Introduction to Exercise

Aerobic and anaerobic are the two categories of exercise that you can perform. Aerobic exercise refers to the type of exercise wherein you use oxygen and burning fat is your primary source of energy. Anaerobic exercise relies instead on sugar, drawing most of the energy it requires from carbohydrate stores in the body. 

Although it is usually believed that you have to perform heavy exercise in order to obtain visible results, this is not so, because fat will be burned regardless of the intensity of the exercise. This means that even light exercise can burn fat. 

Light exercise is able to eliminate the lactic acid (a "toxin" produced by your body) from the muscles, triggering the process of cell regeneration. To ensure that you are burning fat and not sugar, it is essential that you follow a couple of guidelines while you exercise: 

1. Remember to take deep breaths as you exercise. Breathe deeply, inhaling through your nose and taking the air all the way into your stomach, holding it there for a few seconds and then exhaling through the mouth. 

2. You must exercise according to your comfort level. Exercising should make you a little uncomfortable, but not too uncomfortable that you experience pain. The adequate level is that of a little more than half of your maximum physical capacity; say a level of 7 out of 10. You should still be able to talk normally as you exercise. Exercise lightly for about 45 minutes a day and you will notice a definite increase in your energy level. 

Don’t use your busy schedule as an excuse to not exercise. If you are really serious about getting fit and healthy, you will find the time to exercise. You can wake up an hour earlier than usual and use that time to exercise. Your lunch break is also a good time for you to exercise. A great help is to find a friend who is also getting into regular exercise. Regular exercise will help you increase your productivity and you'll find yourself accomplishing things much faster. 

Any kind of exercise will do wonders for your heart and lungs, as well as improve your circulatory and respiratory systems. Numerous studies have shown that exercise is beneficial to health and can help prevent the onset of many diseases. If you are on a diet, exercise (both aerobic and anaerobic) is a great way to burn calories and keep your weight down. It also allows you to consume a little more food without necessarily putting on extra pounds. 

A sedentary way of life induces a feeling of tiredness. With regular exercise, your blood flow will improve and you'll find yourself more energetic than before. Exercise is even more important if your job entails sitting down all day long. Many people work at a desk all day and then go home and watch TV in the evening! Over time this will be really detrimental to your overall health. 

Each day then, devote just a fraction of your time to perform light exercises. You'll soon discover that your health is better than ever. 

Author: Michael Stapenhurst

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