Proactol and Vitamin Absorption (Part 4)

Supplements which block the absorption of fat are effective at treating obesity because fat has significantly more calories than other nutrients. Indeed, 1 gram of fat has 9 calories, whereas 1 gram of protein or carbohydrate has just 4 calories. However, fats are required for the absorption of certain fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A or E. As a result, some fat blockers also block the absorption of essential vitamins. For instance, the popular fat blocker, Alli, reduces the absorption of Vitamin E by a whopping 60%.

To find out whether Proactol’s active ingredient, NeOpuntia, also interfered with the absorption of vitamins, researches performed a straightforward test using a gastrointestinal model. Researchers created a mixture of sunflower oil, which contained typical daily amounts of vitamins A and E, and they added NeOpuntia to the mixture to see if it affected vitamin absorption.

Scientists found that NeOpuntia did not bind to these

fat soluble vitamins

. This suggests that NeOpuntia, unlike many other fat blockers, doesn’t interfere with the absorption of fat soluble vitamins. Go to Proactol web page right now.

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