Is Public Health Important?!

According to people and experts the Public Health is very important, but nowadays it is dangerous for the people. This science tried to prevent any disease, badly live (really!!) and a lot of efforts. But how to do that? It's implied that there are lots of organizations, communities and individuals meetings. There it is analysing the population health. These organizations make every year a special studying. And sometimes the results are very Shocking! The people, they examine can be from one hundred up to several thousand. The most important is that they tried to do these studies for several continents. After the results are ready, there are some services for the Health- epidemiology, biostatistics and of course health.

The Public Health tries not only to prevent treatments, but also a strange human behaviour. In these cases everybody is studying and if there are some strange activities, the person could have a disease, and this disease could be very harmful for his health. This organization also makes a lot of vaccination programs in order to make the population more healthy.

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